Spending less time on marketing is great, right? It frees you up to do what you do what you love (the reason your got into business in the first place!) and what makes you money (an integral part of any business!). A great way to increase your contact with past clients or prospects but not increase the number of hours you spend on it is an email marketing campaign.
Email marketing companies like Constant Contact allow you to create a multi-email campaign that is automatically scheduled to send over time. So if you have a new prospect, you can enter their email address and they would get an intro email, then a follow up email in a week and then a final email with an offer a week from then. All without you having to click your mouse!
It also allows you to do an educational email campaign with multiple parts. If your business is helping businesses become more environmentally friendly, a campaign titled “5 Tips to Make Your Business Green” sent in 5 emails over 5 weeks with the last email being about your services would be of interest to your clients and would educate them about your services. This is a great way to increase past customer and prospect follow-up without increasing the number of hours you have to spend on it!
We can help you set up one of these campaigns for your business. Everything from who you should send it to what you should say to how it should look – we will walk you through the process and design the campaign for you. Give us a call for a quote: 858-220-7478 or email info@belladiadesign.com.